Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lamenting the Loss of My Ever-Lovin' Mind

First, I lost my keys this weekend. I mean, I LOST THEM. Possibly they're lying in a parking lot or on a road somewhere, smashed beyond recognition after having vaulted off the top of my truck, where I presumably left them.

Then, yesterday, I left my computer at home. An hour away from where I work. So I had to go home and I just ended up staying there and working from home. Because WTF else am I going to do? BUT FIRST, because I lost my keys, I had to travel an hour in the other direction to DH's office, where I procured the HOUSE KEY that I would need to GET INTO THE HOUSE.

I also learned this morning that on the soda fountain, even though it LOOKS like the person in front of you is getting water from the spout marked "SODA" in big, generic letters - that's actually CLUB SODA. And no, I don't like it any more now than I did the first time I tried it plain. Club soda needs and deserves vodka. Or a stain that it can work diligently to get out.

Today was the coup de grace, though. I bought tickets to the circus (yes, even though I'm opposed) and have been prepping the kids on the circus trip since Saturday morning. I printed them out this morning in anticipation of the show tonight.

The show is not tonight.

The show is NEXT Wednesday.

Not only will my children be completely hysterical with no hope of consolation when we pick them up from school today and inform them of Mama's Colossal Screw-Up, but neither will the mistake be assuaged by Dance Class, which was being missed for the fantastic circus. Why? Because I left her dance things at home. An hour from where I work.

We weren't going to need them, you know. We were going to the CIRCUS.


Katie Alender said...

OMG, your tag "memory loss" made me laugh out loud. I'm so sorry you'll have to deal with the fallout! Maybe go rent a circus movie to prepare them.

Christy said...

If the worst thing you ever do to your kids is mess up the circus date, then you're doing pretty well.